Xinlei Liu, Ph.D.

Research Staff

Postdoctoral fellow

Research Interests

My previous research interests are mainly focused on modeling of engine combustion fueled with various kinds of fuels, like diesel, gasoline, and bio-oxygenated fuels, development of reduced combustion kinetics mechanisms, modeling of soot and other harmful emissions, and large eddy simulation. My current interests are primarily on the modeling of isobaric combustion and high-pressure injection.

Selected Publications

  • A comparative numerical investigation of reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion using Large Eddy Sim...
    X. Liu, S. Kokjohn, H. Wang, M. Yao
    Fuel, 257, 116023, (2019)
  • A numerical investigation of the combustion kinetics of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustio...
    X. Liu, S. Kokjohn, Y. Li, H. Wang, H. Li, M. Yao
    Fuel, 241, 753-766, (2019)
  • Experimental and modeling investigations on soot formation of ethanol, n-butanol, 2,5-dimethylfuran, and biodiesel ...
    X. Liu, H. Wang, M. Yao
    Energy Fuels, 31, 12108-12119, (2017)
  • Soot reduction effects of the addition of four butanol isomers on partially premixed flames of diesel surrogates
    B. Chen, X. Liu, H. Liu, H. Wang, D. C. Kyritsis, M. Yao
    Combust. Flame, 177, 123-136, (2017)
  • Experimental and modelling investigations of the diesel surrogate fuels in direct injection compression ignition co...
    X. Liu, H. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Zheng, M. Yao
    Appl. Energy, 189, 187-200, (2017)
  • Development of a combined reduced primary reference fuel-alcohols (methanol/ethanol/propanols/butanols/n-pentanol) ...
    X. Liu, H. Wang, Z. Zheng, J. Liu, R. D. Reitz, M. Yao
    Energy, 114, 542-558, (2016)
  • Development of a reduced toluene reference fuel (TRF)-2,5-dimethylfuran-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mecha...
    X. Liu, H. Wang, L. Wei, J. Liu, R. D. Reitz, M. Yao
    Combust. Flame, 165, 453-465, (2016)
  • Experimental and kinetic modeling study of a rich and a stoichiometric low-pressure premixed laminar 2,5-dimethylfu...
    X. Liu, M. Yao, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Jin, L. Wei
    Combust. Flame, 162, 4586-4597, (2015) 


  • ​Ph.D., Power Machinery and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 2019
  • Visiting Ph.D. Scholarship, Engine Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2017-2019
  • B.S., Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2013

Professional Profile

  • ​2019-present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


  • ​National Scholarship for Graduates, Ministry of Education of China, 2017
  • Outstanding Paper on the Annual Conference of Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines in Nanning, 2017
  • Outstanding Paper on the 8th Congress of Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines (9th Symposium) in Shanghai, 2016

KAUST Affiliations

Clean Combustion Research Center- KAUST